Innovation Incubation and Commercialization (IIC) Program: Selected Innovations

Congratulations on being selected to the inaugural IIC program of the University of Nairobi. The university is committed to moving ideas to market that will solve society needs and contribute to youth Job creation and socio economic development in line with the government agenda. we wish the 2023 1st cohort  success in your journey to commercialization of your innovation.

We are delighted to announce the successful applicants to the call for the university of Nairobi Innovation Incubation and Commercialization Program 2023.

The call attracted Forty-nine (49) applications which comprised both students and faculty members. The evaluation process was done and 15 innovations were selected to be part of the first cohort of the IIC program.

Congratulation to the successful applicants

The following is the list of successful applicant’s innovations.

  1. Commercialization of new snap bean varieties in domestic and export markets
  2. Solar powered electro hydrodynamic atomization system for use in water desalination
  3. Parksby –App that enables individuals to share their private parking spaces with the public
  4. Underutilized foods processing (Pera foods)
  5. Localkopo: A lending and crowdfunding App
  6. A virtual diabetic patient diary Application
  7. Drought and Striga resistant sorghum
  8. Desmodium legume fodder cover crop
  9. JSS advantage labs: blended online and offline resources and labs
  10. Sani-wise toilet eco-friendly toilet
  11. Meat preservative using Garlic Extracts
  12. Ceramic toilet made from local clay
  13. Wakazi Works Platform: A Referral- Based Digital Workplace for connecting skilled artisans in Kenya with clients.
  14. Automatic precision liquid dispenser with sensor driven batch flask collector
  15. SiteKubwa construction materials purchase Application

Once again congratulations


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