Business Innovation & Incubation Centreville (BIIC)

Business Innovation & Incubation Centreville (BIIC)

Almost 4 in every 10 young people in the South African labour force do not have a job.  According to Statistics South Africa (STATSA), 15 May 2019), the burden of graduate unemployment is concentrated amongst the youth.

An estimated 44 % of organisations in South Africa find it challenging to recruit “work-ready” staff with modern digital skills.  In 2019, there were about 200,000 UK vacancies (Times Higher Education, 2021) that were hard to fill due to a lack of skills generally among applicants; described as skill-shortage vacancies (SSVs).

The Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), and Snake Nation project seek to bridge the gap between unemployment and the digital skills shortage vacancies. The concept of inclusive industry-linked Business Innovation & Incubation Center (BIIC) offers a means through which students can become technopreneurs by converting their innovative ideas into commercially viable and sustainable start-ups.

This project is considering the fourth Industrial Revolution and women’s entrepreneurship. The BIIC will improve infrastructure capacity at CPUT to drive youth and inclusive employment where technology is harnessed to innovate business ideas and sustain the local economy. The incubation hub will build the capacities of young people to become entrepreneurs who can manage a business.

The project is investigating the combined problem of digital skill shortage and low enterprise creation/unemployment in South Africa.  The network consortium partners will study the impediment to establishing a sustainable industry-linked incubation centre at CPUT.


We wish this project well as we unite to grow and innovate Africa for youth employment opportunities


British Council – Innovation for African Universities Programme (IAU)

The British Council IAU programme is implemented by the Centre of Excellence (CoE) which is a partnership between the City University of London, the University of Nairobi and ChangeSschool UK.

The Programme comprises 24 partnerships of UK universities, SSA universities and entrepreneurial ecosystem organisations. The programme is running in Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana & South Africa.

The CoE looks forward to working in partnership with The BICC Project in Sub-Saharan Africa to exchange knowledge and ideas to strengthen the role of universities in entrepreneurship ecosystems.

To find out more:


#UniteToGrow #BritishCouncil #entrepreneurialuniversity #ented #highereducation #IAUprogramme  #BritishCouncilHigherEducation #TeamChangeSchool


  1. Carl Diver on Twitter: “Delighted to be a partner University of the @BritishCouncil Innovation for African Universities programme. We currently have over 100 people on a zoom workshop #unitetogrow #Collaboration #Entrepreneurship” / Twitter

2. Carl Diver on LinkedIn: #unitetogrow #Collaboration #Entrepreneurship



  1.   Sunday Ekpo on Twitter#unitetogrow #technopreneurship #industry-linked

MMU Science and Engineering on Twitter @MMUEngage

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