The journey to an innovation economy continues globally. Africa is the home of the youngest population globally as a matter of fact the population is expected to double to 830 million by 2050. This growing youth population is Africa’s most significant asset if adequately harnessed. One of the ways of harnessing the youth population into a productive working population that contribute to socio-economic growth and development is to foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within universities. To address this gap, the University of Nairobi has organized the Nairobi Innovation Week 2022, whose theme is “Innovation for Transformation and Impact in the Society.”
The objectives of the innovation week are:
- To showcase innovations from students and faculty to accelerate and mainstream innovation and entrepreneurial culture within higher education institutions in Kenya and the region.
- To create a local and global platform for networking between researchers, innovators, start-ups, innovation enablers, government, industry, funders, and investors.
- To champion policy discussions on mainstreaming vibrant innovation and entrepreneurial culture in the higher education sector in Kenya and beyond.
Why Participate in NIW 2022
The event offers excellent opportunities for supporting innovators, networking, brand image & visibility, lead generation, and a platform to showcase innovations and products to a wide range of stakeholders.
The Nairobi Innovation Week, 2022, will be held from 26th to 28th April 2022.